The Swoondle Society Trade In and Buy new + used Children's clothing up to 90% off retail - The Swoondle Society

sponsor families

Coronavirus update: support families in need

Room to Grow families typically receive in-person emotional support & supplies for their babies & families.  However, with the need for social distancing, these meetings can no longer be held in-person & supplies can no longer be collected & distributed. 

Swoondle is stepping in to provide trade credits, remote ordering and delivery of Swoondled clothes directly to the families' homes.


how to help
(from home)

Provide clothes for 10 families for 1 season

1. Purchase a sponsored membership for $99. 

Note: If you are in a current trading plan, you will need to create a separate account for your sponsored membership plan. Contact us for more information.

2. You will automatically receive a pre-paid shipping bag.

  • Fill your bag with your child's acceptable outgrown clothing: any size - any brand - any season.
  • You'll receive a tax receipt for your clothing donations at the end of the year.
  • Note: If you do not want to send clothing, simply email us that you want to sponsor only.


why sponsor?

help families in need

Your membership provides 10 families clothes for 1 season. 100% of the value of the items you choose to send will be transferred to Room to Grow so they can choose the items they need for their families.

help the earth

Donating to local charities keeps clothing out of landfills, but children’s clothing is often sent to textile recyclers because they don’t have the resources needed to sort, store, and sell the large number of items they receive. Reusing is the most earth-friendly option, and Swoondle will ensure that your good-condition clothing is given a second life.

declutter your home

Get the outgrown OUT. As soon as your child outgrows something, pop it in the bag and send it when it's full. Instead of hoarding your child's outgrown clothes in storage bins, you can feel good that they are being used to help someone in need.

save time

No need to drive anywhere or schedule a pick-up. Just pop items in the pre-paid shipping bag and hand it to the USPS. We'll email you a tax receipt at the end of the year so you have everything you need for your tax deduction in one place.


Swoondle's nonprofit partner: Room to Grow

Room to Grow offers structured coaching, material goods, and community connections to support parents as they activate their natural strengths and expand their knowledge, so children thrive from the start.

Swoondle already supports Room to Grow by donating excess inventory of good-condition clothing to families in need. By donating a membership to Room to Grow, you will help families get exactly the right clothing their children need. When you trade items in, Room to Grow will receive those trading balances and can trade out anything from Swoondle’s inventory to fill in inventory gaps for the seasons, sizes, and genders that their families need.

Leveraging Swoondle’s trading platform and warehouse helps Room to Grow focus on getting families what they need to thrive. Room to grow does not have to store the items and can order what they need when they need it.